Saturday, April 7, 2012

Sunrise on Blue Mountain

The full moon is getting chased away by the sunrise at Blue Mtn shelter.  Water is heating for coffee.  I don't want to get out of the hammock.  Yesterday was cold and raining all day, but still did 12 miles.  Lots of thoughts but have to get moving.


hmajors said...

Beautiful sunrise! The kids and I are enjoying keeping up with you! We are off to a hike in your honor! Happy Easter! - heidi

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful sunset :) Hope all is well!! Kelli

Anonymous said...

Sunrise... :)

Jenna and Max said...

Hope you are well and we send you happy (and warm and dry) thoughts. Sounds like you are moving along at a steady pace - that is great! Max was very excited to see your picture from the trail - he responded with "Bob need sunglasses". I guess he's a little clueless as to how you are roughing it.
Take care........